Ferrum is a decentralized interoperability network that allows to manage, trade and exchange any digital asset without saving user assets. Built on cyclic graph networks (DAG), Ferrum is faster, cheaper and more scalable than traditional block chains. Not limited to ERC-20 tokens because Users can send almost all digital assets to Ferrum to create proxy tokens that can be traded and exchanged on an equal basis with Ferrum Wallet or DEX user friendly from Ferrum. And soon, fiat currencies can be exchanged online.
The Ferrum Network is the first high-speed interactive network built for real-world financial applications. The Ferrum network-based DAG protocol layer can connect to any blockchain and allow peer-to-peer transactions of each digital asset in milliseconds with network costs almost zero.
UniFyre wallets allow users to trade risk-free digital partner assets and provide revolutionary capabilities such as risk-free OTC transactions, instant market transactions and Safe features to avoid accidental losses. All online transactions require a number of nominal tokens to be spent and burned.
*Ferrum Network*
*Main ideas
*Interaction between chains
*High speeds at low cost
*An integrated line of financial products
Well, we have already identified the main ideas of this project. Let's get down to looking at ideas. I will repeat as I said earlier. Technical documentation will not be provided here. The ideological components of this remarkable project will be considered here.
*The interaction between the chains*
In general, what can be said is the main component of this project that makes the project unique. This is what allows the project to interact with all networks. Ferrum Network is a new generation protocol that can easily connect to any network. A protocol that developers assure is working on top of the network. There has never been such a thing. And such a protocol unites the entire cryptocurrency network into one. It does not matter What is your coin. Use this project you will be able to interact with what you want. Dozens of unnecessary operations will leave after the network enters the market. I myself regularly encounter this problem. What interacts with another network I need to do dozens of operations. And it can be said very annoying.
*High speeds at low cost*
High speed — the protocol runs on top of the network. No matter which coins you will send Bitcoin or ETH. You will have a stable identical speed of operations. Are you saying Bitcoin has a low transaction rate? Please have a project that makes the speed the same. Also, talk about network fees. As you already understood, this is not a blockchain. And mining costs will not be required from you. And that means we will get a new price for our transactions. It will become much cheaper. Where the gas will be the tokens of the FRM project. Well, that's why we are all accustomed to nothing free.
*An integrated line of financial products*
Like any other network. Networks need financial tools. And the project is already developing these products. They have already provided us with information on product development. It will be a cryptocurrency exchange where you can work with real money. And a cryptocurrency wallet. It is also written that the wallet will allow us to exist outside the exchange trade. In general, the project took care of the product line that will allow us to easily interact with this network. Based on the first few points, I can imagine how convenient it will be to use one wallet for all coins. And make quick transactions.
*Ferrum Network*
*Main ideas
*Interaction between chains
*High speeds at low cost
*An integrated line of financial products
Well, we have already identified the main ideas of this project. Let's get down to looking at ideas. I will repeat as I said earlier. Technical documentation will not be provided here. The ideological components of this remarkable project will be considered here.
*The interaction between the chains*
In general, what can be said is the main component of this project that makes the project unique. This is what allows the project to interact with all networks. Ferrum Network is a new generation protocol that can easily connect to any network. A protocol that developers assure is working on top of the network. There has never been such a thing. And such a protocol unites the entire cryptocurrency network into one. It does not matter What is your coin. Use this project you will be able to interact with what you want. Dozens of unnecessary operations will leave after the network enters the market. I myself regularly encounter this problem. What interacts with another network I need to do dozens of operations. And it can be said very annoying.
*High speeds at low cost*
High speed — the protocol runs on top of the network. No matter which coins you will send Bitcoin or ETH. You will have a stable identical speed of operations. Are you saying Bitcoin has a low transaction rate? Please have a project that makes the speed the same. Also, talk about network fees. As you already understood, this is not a blockchain. And mining costs will not be required from you. And that means we will get a new price for our transactions. It will become much cheaper. Where the gas will be the tokens of the FRM project. Well, that's why we are all accustomed to nothing free.
*An integrated line of financial products*
Like any other network. Networks need financial tools. And the project is already developing these products. They have already provided us with information on product development. It will be a cryptocurrency exchange where you can work with real money. And a cryptocurrency wallet. It is also written that the wallet will allow us to exist outside the exchange trade. In general, the project took care of the product line that will allow us to easily interact with this network. Based on the first few points, I can imagine how convenient it will be to use one wallet for all coins. And make quick transactions.
*The Context*
First, some important contexts. It is helpful to remember that Ferrum Network is a new technology in fundraising and development modes. We don't try to pretend otherwise. The reality is that currently we have limited resources to compete with big players in crypto. In addition, we have one main value source: our technology.
It is also important to recognize that we are not just building another ERC-20 network. Ferrum Network is a unique network that is built from the ground up with consideration of special use - fast and cheap decentralized transactions of any digital asset. And while we are far away in terms of building networks, we are not quite ready to release the Ferrum Network code base as an open source, but will do so when we are ready.
We believe the most important thing we can do now is to build great products on the network and get loyal users. This is why we focus on making world-class decentralized financial products - specifically decentralized cross-chain wallets, cross-link DEX, Sub Zero Wallet applications for cellular cold storage, and Kudi Exchange, the first Nigerian crypto-to-cryp fiat exchange supported by the Network Ferrum - and then get users for these products.
Therefore, transparency remains one of our core values. So until our products are launched and the network is ready, we will conduct many code reviews from third-party providers and release these reviews publicly to show our community that technology is legitimate. However, it is very important to emphasize that Ferrum Network will remain open source - anyone will be able to build on Ferrum Network after the launch of the main net. But for now, we hope people will be satisfied with this code review and our product demo.
*To understand the idea, let's talk about the problems*
To understand the future potential of any project, you need to look at the real problems existing at the moment inside the blockchain chains. Firstly, one of these problems is not the coherence of projects among themselves, which complicates our lives. Network ETH, Bitcoin, EOS all of them do not work in different areas and are not interconnected. And we constantly have to deal with the global problem of transferring some coins to other networks, we have to turn to exchangers, to lose big interest in this. Then, the speed of such operations is much lower. And there may be problems, errors in the transfer to the stock exchange, in the exchange and many more different problems associated with the transfer of one currency to another network. Secondly, the blockchain develops gradually, and each individual network has a different transaction rate.
Of course, today, networks have good transaction speeds. But those who previously entered the market still lag far behind, and this is a huge problem. Transaction costs are also a problem. In each separate they are different. Well, anyway, payment by the miner, it remains. An example is a recent story when the guy for the transfer of 0.1 ETH paid about $ 300,000 to the miners for the transaction. Thirdly, financial products are also an important element of any system. Their absence slows down the development of the network. It is also difficult to find interaction with other networks without such a product.
Innovative technology built for high-speed peer-to-peer transactions of any digital asset is the backbone of Ferrum Network and its products.
*The DAG ledger
A decentralized ledger similar to a blockchain but designed for fast transactions, minimal network fees and no miners.
*Interoperability Network
Innovating on cross-chain solutions, Ferrum can interoperate with any blockchain/network.
*Decentralized Proxy Tokens
Decentralized proxy tokens with stability guarantees enable the exchange/transaction of any digital asset, including digital fiat.
*High Frequency Trading
Native support to move assets off-chain and perform high frequency trades and transactions for nominal costs.
*The FRM Token
Gas of the network, FRM tokens are spent and burned for every transaction on the network.
*Import/Export Value
Ferrum is designed to import/export values, including fiat currencies.
*Token Information*
To understand the future potential of any project, you need to look at the real problems existing at the moment inside the blockchain chains. Firstly, one of these problems is not the coherence of projects among themselves, which complicates our lives. Network ETH, Bitcoin, EOS all of them do not work in different areas and are not interconnected. And we constantly have to deal with the global problem of transferring some coins to other networks, we have to turn to exchangers, to lose big interest in this. Then, the speed of such operations is much lower. And there may be problems, errors in the transfer to the stock exchange, in the exchange and many more different problems associated with the transfer of one currency to another network. Secondly, the blockchain develops gradually, and each individual network has a different transaction rate.
Of course, today, networks have good transaction speeds. But those who previously entered the market still lag far behind, and this is a huge problem. Transaction costs are also a problem. In each separate they are different. Well, anyway, payment by the miner, it remains. An example is a recent story when the guy for the transfer of 0.1 ETH paid about $ 300,000 to the miners for the transaction. Thirdly, financial products are also an important element of any system. Their absence slows down the development of the network. It is also difficult to find interaction with other networks without such a product.
Innovative technology built for high-speed peer-to-peer transactions of any digital asset is the backbone of Ferrum Network and its products.
*The DAG ledger
A decentralized ledger similar to a blockchain but designed for fast transactions, minimal network fees and no miners.
*Interoperability Network
Innovating on cross-chain solutions, Ferrum can interoperate with any blockchain/network.
*Decentralized Proxy Tokens
Decentralized proxy tokens with stability guarantees enable the exchange/transaction of any digital asset, including digital fiat.
*High Frequency Trading
Native support to move assets off-chain and perform high frequency trades and transactions for nominal costs.
*The FRM Token
Gas of the network, FRM tokens are spent and burned for every transaction on the network.
*Import/Export Value
Ferrum is designed to import/export values, including fiat currencies.
*Token Information*

Q1 2018
Testnet Prototype Developed
Q2 2018
Finalist at Consensus 2018 Pitch Competition
Q3 2018
UniFyre Wallet beta release w/OTC trading support
Q4 2018
MVP complete w/BTC, XRP and ERC-20 support
Q1 2019
Kudi Exchange release
Q2 2019
Kudi Business features release
Q3 2019
Public test-net launch
Public sale
UniFyre Wallet release.
Q4 2019
Interoperability network main-net launch
Q2 2020
Sub-Zero Walletrelease
Q3 2020
Infinity DEXw/advanced features release
Q3 2020
Expand fiat gateways into new markets
Q4 2020
Payments platform and more.
This is the first look on this unique product. In the near future, I will try to consider in detail the elements that allow you to work on this network. I like the main idea of this project. If the product unites all networks together, even though it is a protocol, this will be a major breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchains. Information about this extraordinary project, as usual, I will leave below this article. Thank you, dear friends, for your attention.
Website: http://ferrum.network/
Whitepaper: http://whitepaper.ferrum.network/
Telegram: http://t.me/ferrum_network
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5134952
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FerrumNetwork
AUTHOR (gudanggaremfilter): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1173895
ETH address: 0x43e41148A6de35b529E92f24847E70c3f835C46F
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