DAA tokens can be used in playing games on Eth's place.
Users Generate Eth every two weeks by risking / holding DAA tokens. The team also plans to implement a token burn program which will ultimately reduce the number of outstanding DAA tokens and maximum supply so as to increase the value of tokens that allow users to make profits. In 2008, Bitcoin was introduced as a cryptocurrency, created by Satoshi Nakamoto in the form of open source software, with a mission to change the way we make payments and trade goods through truly new currencies.
You can do it to mine the DAB Token, you must have an account at dabanking.io, the supply of DAB Tokens is 200,000,000 and then exploits are only from mining your wallet guys.
on metamask or Trustwallet must have ETH balance people to get started.
* DAB MINING Rules *
it must buy a Treasury Package at least buy $ 200 and a maximum of $ 5,000 and then the developer will be willing to set a package value. and then the Treasury Package value after being confirmed on the blockchain.
* What about the benefits of progress *
let's look at the first day of your mining if you deposit $ 2,000 so that the first day will be received 10 $ 0.5% from $ 2,000 and later 2 will receive $ 9.95 from $ 1,990 the progress will spread until Green wallet is zero.
* Benefit 2
if you can get it for another mining company, you will receive 50% of the package value. and then contionus to F10 but from F2 to F10 receive 10%.
* Benefits 3.
You will receive a mining bonus rating at Dab Token Mining so that it is very convenient for everyone in the world to be here.
and then you can see the development of the mining wallet growth percentage see below.
* DAB Tokens *
* DAB Mining Strategy *
In the first phase, DABANKING will use Ethereum Blockchain to build a community of users by distributing DAB tokens based on the POC (Proof Of Contribution) theory. This is the "Dedication Proof" mining token algorithm when locking ETH into "value reserve funds" for DAB tokens.
DAB is a token platform for the development of the DABANKING community and will be exchanged for the DABANKING blockchain itself when the DABANKING Blockchain is officially announced.
The maximum total supply of DAB tokens in a Smart Contract is 200,000,000 DAB and the only way to get a DAB Token is to use the "Mining Wallet".
DABANKING Developers cannot have other methods to obtain DAB Tokens other than exploiting as normal users through '' Mining Wallet '.
* Mining Token DAB *

To mine, DAB Token users need to buy a "Treasury Package" with a minimum amount of ETH $ 200 (Price based on Coinmarketcap.com) and the maximum package allowed by the developer at different times (Maximum "Treasury Package" up to $ 5000). The developer will have a function on Dapp to set the maximum package value that can be purchased at different times, Note: The "Treasury Package" value is calculated when depositing ETH and confirmed on the blockchain. The price at the time of deposit is only used for the reference price, during the time from the deposit until when the transaction is confirmed if the ETH price rises, the package value will increase, but if the ETH price decreases, the value of the package will decrease. And reduce no more than 3%, If price fluctuations exceed 3%, Deposit orders will fail, ETH will be returned, the user must operate again.
There are 3 energy wallets that need to be considered to be able to exploit the DAB token:
1. Golden Trumpet.
2. Green Trumpet.
3. Mining Trumpets.
Conditions for joining DABANKING To use the DABANKING platform, you must have
Metamask Wallet installed on your computer or TrustWallet on your cellphone Having Ethereum (ETH) is available at Metamask or Trust wallet. Visit the Dabanking.io website to start experiencing our great services.

* How to join DABANKING *
To use the DABANKING platform, you must have:
-Metamask Wallet installed on your computer or TrustWallet on your mobile;
-Have Ethereum (ETH) available at Metamask or Trust wallet;
-Visit the Dabanking.io website to start experiencing our great service.
* DAA Token *
The DAA Token has a maximum inventory of 20,000,000 DAA and is gradually being exploited when users buy tickets and play games with ETH and this is the only way to get DAA tokens.
The DAA Token mining process has 10 stages, each stage has 10 rounds, a maximum of 200,000 DAAs are exploited every round.
In the first round when you buy a ticket or lose a game with the amount of 0.05 ETH, you have succeeded in mining 1.66666667 DAA, currently 60% is 1 DAA directly to your wallet and 40% is 0.66666667 DAA to the wallet of the developer DABANKING.
If you play a game that wins in the first round, you need a volume of 0.055 to successfully exploit 1.66666667 DAA and receive 1 DAA.
90% of the DAB Token Reserve Fund
3% marketing
3% product development
2% Partners (exchanges, Advisors ...)
2% Backup Token DAB (Exchange DAA ...)
Every time you receive an ETH or DAB Token, the Smart Contract reserve fund will immediately lock 90% and extract 10% into the developer's funds to implement the item.
Mining Tok DAB has a good performance and then we know the benefits above very well so this makes all users comfortable and then we know all security systems too, and have good technology implementation.
#Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #Blockchain #ETH
and then distribution of 90% DAB Token Reserve Fund tokens and then 3% Marketing, 3% Product Development, and Partner, exchanger, 2% advisor, For Reserve DAB 2% Token for DAA Swap tokens.
* Distribution of DAA Tokens *

• 60% is reserved for miners
• 20% is reserved for product development
• 10% is reserved for marketing
• 10% is reserved for partners
All DAA tokens will be in the token pool when the community will play the game. 50% DAA tokens will automatically be burned in the pool token every two weeks. When burning DAA tokens in the pool, the DAA tokens in the developer's wallet will also burn at the level of 60:40 with 6 tokens being burned in the token pool, 4 tokens will burn in the developer's wallet.

DABANKING aims at long-term development, delivering entertainment services to a decentralized application platform, giving back power to users. The development team has come up with a long-term strategy to make DABANKING a strong ecosystem that allows millions of customers to experience our services.
Dabanking aims to provide entertainment that users can enjoy through a decentralized application platform (Dapp). The team has divided the plan into two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2
* Phase 1 *
Q4 2018-Q1 2019: Creation of a development team along with the development of plans and foundation technology preparation.
Q2 2019: Introduction to the game ecosystem on Dapp and the development of the DAB token community.
Q3 2019: List of DAA and DAB tokens on the exchange list and the start of a new game.
Q4 2019: Add new games and allow swap ports from DAA to DAB.
* Phase 2 *
After the Dabanking community passed the 3 million user mark, they will introduce their own Blockchain and exchange it for the DAB token.
WEBSITEA: https://dabanking.io/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146671.0
BOUNTY: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146696.new#new
WHITEPAPER: http: // dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io
Disputes: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQbGkMKlxM7JdBY89S9UcIA
Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL
Author: (wilshere): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2638499
ETH address: 0x43e41148A6de35b529E92f24847E70c3f835C46F

* How to join DABANKING *
To use the DABANKING platform, you must have:
-Metamask Wallet installed on your computer or TrustWallet on your mobile;
-Have Ethereum (ETH) available at Metamask or Trust wallet;
-Visit the Dabanking.io website to start experiencing our great service.
* DAA Token *
The DAA Token has a maximum inventory of 20,000,000 DAA and is gradually being exploited when users buy tickets and play games with ETH and this is the only way to get DAA tokens.
The DAA Token mining process has 10 stages, each stage has 10 rounds, a maximum of 200,000 DAAs are exploited every round.
In the first round when you buy a ticket or lose a game with the amount of 0.05 ETH, you have succeeded in mining 1.66666667 DAA, currently 60% is 1 DAA directly to your wallet and 40% is 0.66666667 DAA to the wallet of the developer DABANKING.
If you play a game that wins in the first round, you need a volume of 0.055 to successfully exploit 1.66666667 DAA and receive 1 DAA.
90% of the DAB Token Reserve Fund
3% marketing
3% product development
2% Partners (exchanges, Advisors ...)
2% Backup Token DAB (Exchange DAA ...)
Every time you receive an ETH or DAB Token, the Smart Contract reserve fund will immediately lock 90% and extract 10% into the developer's funds to implement the item.
Mining Tok DAB has a good performance and then we know the benefits above very well so this makes all users comfortable and then we know all security systems too, and have good technology implementation.
#Dapps #DABANKING #DAB #Blockchain #ETH
and then distribution of 90% DAB Token Reserve Fund tokens and then 3% Marketing, 3% Product Development, and Partner, exchanger, 2% advisor, For Reserve DAB 2% Token for DAA Swap tokens.
* Distribution of DAA Tokens *

• 60% is reserved for miners
• 20% is reserved for product development
• 10% is reserved for marketing
• 10% is reserved for partners
All DAA tokens will be in the token pool when the community will play the game. 50% DAA tokens will automatically be burned in the pool token every two weeks. When burning DAA tokens in the pool, the DAA tokens in the developer's wallet will also burn at the level of 60:40 with 6 tokens being burned in the token pool, 4 tokens will burn in the developer's wallet.

DABANKING aims at long-term development, delivering entertainment services to a decentralized application platform, giving back power to users. The development team has come up with a long-term strategy to make DABANKING a strong ecosystem that allows millions of customers to experience our services.
Dabanking aims to provide entertainment that users can enjoy through a decentralized application platform (Dapp). The team has divided the plan into two phases: Phase 1 and Phase 2
* Phase 1 *
Q4 2018-Q1 2019: Creation of a development team along with the development of plans and foundation technology preparation.
Q2 2019: Introduction to the game ecosystem on Dapp and the development of the DAB token community.
Q3 2019: List of DAA and DAB tokens on the exchange list and the start of a new game.
Q4 2019: Add new games and allow swap ports from DAA to DAB.
* Phase 2 *
After the Dabanking community passed the 3 million user mark, they will introduce their own Blockchain and exchange it for the DAB token.
WEBSITEA: https://dabanking.io/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146671.0
BOUNTY: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5146696.new#new
WHITEPAPER: http: // dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io
Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io
Disputes: https://discordapp.com/invite/uqfMjYV
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQbGkMKlxM7JdBY89S9UcIA
Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL
Author: (wilshere): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2638499
ETH address: 0x43e41148A6de35b529E92f24847E70c3f835C46F
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